Weird error, Positioning dosent work, "Position cannot be assigned to"

Im tryna make a plugin and tryna weld something together using a motor6d, the motor6ds.C0.Position cant get a position inputed, I have tried CFrame but for some weird reasons it wants Vector3

Update: Offset the variable from the function inputs, isnt included anyway in the script

C0 is a CFrame and you can’t assign the Position member of a CFrame, which is dumb because there’s no mathematical reason you shouldn’t. You can do this instead:

Motor6D.C0 = Motor6D.C0 - Motor6D.C0.Position + Offset
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Isn’t there a property called C0.Position and C0.Orientation?

Yes but you can only read these. Orientation is non readable for a good reason; CFrame doesnt have any concept of angles internally, but Position is non readable for basically no reason. The rightmost column in the CFrame is the position. (T vector in this picture)


wow it works, i tried cframe before but it didnt work but that equation you sent me worked ty

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