Weird error when running game while plugin is enabled

I’m currently developing a plugin, and I’ve come across this weird error that shows up every time I try to run the game while the plugin is installed. If I disable the plugin everything works fine. I’m having a hard time finding what’s wrong considering the error message doesn’t point towards anything in the plugin, but rather shows an error in the server core scripts. Any help would be much appreciated

Error that pops up whenever I press play

Updated error after I stop the playtest

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ok can we see code? Cause just errors isnt going to help

The entire plugin is about 5000 lines, and I’m not even sure what code to post because the error isn’t occurring in any of the plugin scripts, but rather an issue with Studio’s core scripts, which makes me think that it might be some obscure bug with the way my plugin interacts with Studio. I was wondering if it’s something that someone else has dealt with before for an easy fix but I’m thinking I’m probably going to have to go through all my commits and see where the error first started

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I didn’t realize that plugins still run when the game is running, the problem actually was something in my plugin errored during runtime, but instead of the plugin’s error being printed to the output it showed it as an error in Studio’s core scripts which confused me a little. I put one line of code at the top of the plugin script to stop it from running when I pressed play and it fixed everything lol

if game:GetService("RunService"):IsRunning() then return end

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