Weird floor and object jittering (visual bug)

My roblox experience has this weird bug where all objects in the game are jittering for no reason.
I wonder why this happens as I haven’t been able to replicate this issue on other places.

Sorry if this is not the correct category, but I couldn’t find any which fits this problem.

Here is a recording showcasing the problem I am having:

I want to mention that I use a custom camera script, however, even after disabling it she problem still occours.

The floor is also anchored, making this issue more weird. The actual position of the instances doesn’t change a bit either, it seems to be an annoying visual glitch but not game-breaking.


When two textures of the same height overlap, the game has trouble deciding which one should show over the other. So at different angles, different textures are shown. This is more obvious when the parts have different textures, but when they have the same texture, like yours, it may be perceived as jittering. Are you sure the parts arent going into each other? To make sure, you can try enabling collisions in the Model tab.


This is not how Z-fighting looks like as there is no overlapping taking place. The video shows the instance “jumping” up and down rather than rapidly switching the layer of overlaping textures.

Even newly created instances, such as the default part for example, start to jitter/ move up and down very fast although anchored.

Thanks for your response.


How big is your map? It appears to be weird floating point error related stuff.


X=-5531 to X=1302
Y=-50 to Y=500
Z=-2100 to Z=1778

I don’t think it has to do with floating point error either as the jittering takes place at 0,0,0 too.

The position from where I have taken the video is around WorldPos(194, 2, 514)

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okay. is there any custom movement that you’ve implemented? It could be something like velocity is super close to 0 but it keeps applying forces anyway

  • does the bug still happen if your character move around?
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Nope, no custom movement.

I have a custom camera script but as mention, that’s not the origin of the problem as the jittering still occours when the script is disables.

The jittering happens all the time and only stops when I am working/ editing in studio (not “playing”)

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I’ve removed everything that is within the workspace but for one part.

The jittering still occours.

Soooo it only occurs in live games? If so you might as well submit it as a bug :person_shrugging:

Idk if it’s a bug as I am unable to recreate this in other games I’ve created.

I might just copy and paste the entire game into a newly created world. Maybe that helps.