So I’ve designed a staircase in Studio but had a railing that I wasn’t able to connect with unions or parts. I decided to import it into Blender and connect it using the fill keybind. So I did. I’ve already added Solidify and did ctrl + N to see if it solves it. It doesn’t. It just one spot that doesn’t show no matter what I do. It’s so weird. I also tried the “Make Inside Normal” on the vertices. Still won’t work. It’s probably the weirdest thing I’ve dealt with since I learned how to 3D model back in December.
When it’'s in studio.
When I normalize the inside vertices and with solidify. When I use the default normalize tool along with Solidify. When I make the inside normal on the whole thing.I’ve probably exported over 10 versions trying to fix this, but they all have the same result. I’ve also already deleted all existing doubles.