Weird glitchy pixel screen issue

I’ve had a few reports from mobile and tablet players in my game about strange black pixels/texturing bug in the game. It’s not a UI issue, but rather an issue in the physical world.

Please review the attached video evidence below. It’s an extremely obvious visual bug and some players have reported crashing after experiencing this issue. Note: the below video is a player’s submission, and they are playing on a Samsung Galaxy S22 phone.

Game link: 🎃Expedition Antarctica - Roblox

Date First Experienced: 18 September 2023
Date Last Experienced: Present day (date of post)

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi thirdtakeonit,

I appreciate the time you are taking to resolve this issue. Any updates so far?