Weird hole appears on my mesh

I assumed this is the correct part of the forum to post this.
I simply don’t know why this is happening, it’s an accessory that when I equip it, gets added a weird hole on top and bottom, but when it’s not equipped it looks correctly

This only happens when I don’t use meshparts, and I need to use the ‘Mesh’ class to be able to upload it to UGC.

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Sorry for the laziness of this post I’m new to blender.

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Did you figure out a fix for the problem, if not can you send the accessory / mesh as a file?
The cause might be that the mesh’s UV-unwrapped faces go beyond the UV-map bounds. That would then mess up the mesh’s UVs in the player texture atlas when added to the player as an accessory.

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Do you have a head Part inside it that’s the dull red colour and is poking through slightly? Try moving the MeshPart to see.
If you look at the edges of the hole it looks dished in. There’s a thin line shadow on the left side of the hole in your top picture and a thin line highlight on the right side of the hole.

Do you have any Textures applied to the MeshPart? Look at the TextureID line. If there’s a texture there try deleting the ID to see what happens.

Are you using the MeshPart DoubleSided Property to get rid of a hole in the mesh? If so you should only use it for flat MeshParts like paper or items that are hollowed out.
People suggest it for a way to ‘fix’ meshes that aren’t made correctly and it gives strange shadow effects to the MeshPart.

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I think I found the issue but I’m still not sure.
I think it’s vertex colors messing with my thing, when I change the vertex colors it changes the color of the weird holes

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yeah sure mate
untitled.blend (1.0 MB)
(texture shouldnt be important but you can add it a random texture so the whole thing isn’t made of vertex colors)

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After checking out the mesh in Blender, the issue seems to be caused by the top and bottom faces being in the corner of the UV-map. Moving the faces a tiny bit towards the center fixed the issue.

In general when making meshes for accessories you should avoid the corners and edges of the UV-map as they can cause problems like this to arise.


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