Weird IKControl Behavior

Hello there!

Recently I was experimenting around with IKControls in Studio, and overcame this weird behavior (in which I have NO idea on how to fix)…

Basically, I create a new IKControl instance and parent it to the Humanoid. After that, I create an Attachment object and parent it under the Terrain.


I edit the IKControl properties as following, seeing that I want the UpperTorso to follow the Attachment orientation/rotation:

Sure, it does work, but instead it causes the LowerTorso to experience some wacky behavior which is something I don’t want at all. You can view my struggle in the video below:

I’m attemping to find a method where I can use this approach (by making the UpperTorso follow the Attachment’s rotation) and ensure the LowerTorso doesn’t experience this weird behavior… any help would be appreciated!