Weird Issue with NormalMaps on EditableMesh

I’ve recently been playing around a bit with EditableMesh, as the Beta released not too long ago.

After attempting to apply a SurfaceAppearance (also tried MaterialVariant), it seemed it didn’t apply the normal map to the mesh. Everything else worked: ColorMap, RoughnessMap, and MetalnessMap.

For some reason, the normal map does apply, but it applies really weirdly.

Material before applying the EditableMesh:

Material after applying the EditableMesh:

It seems to appear in the form of “tiny dots” is the best way I can explain it, and even then it’s barely visible and only at grazing angles with a light source, as seen in the image above.

I’ve tried enlargening and reducing the size of the UV, using different NormalMaps, using a MaterialVariant, and searching for this issue on the forum but to no avail.

Would be great if anyone could help out, thanks.

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Are you sure the normals themselves on the mesh are correct? It’s possible that incorrect normals are making only specific shades of the material appear even though it’s being applied correctly.

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Ah, completely forgot about that.

Turns out SetVertexNormal() exists.
Thanks for that, but would you happen to know how to set vertex normals? I know a Vector3 is needed, just unsure what to add to its parameters.

You would need the vertex id, as normals are per vertex, then the normal itself. Since your mesh is a flat plane, it would be straight up, which is (0, 1, 0).

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My bad for marking as solution before double-checking.

I’ve tried this and it doesn’t seem to work either. It does seem to set the normal correctly, yet the NormalMap looks the exact same as it did before.