Weird jumping onto a part behavior

So basically, I’ve noticed some weird behavior involving a player jumping onto a part and somehow getting inside that said part whilst in a climbing position.

I made some screenshots and a gif of it occurring if you don’t know what I mean.

As you can see, in this gif I have jumped on an elevated part and I somehow got halfway stuck inside that said part whilst inside the climbing position

(I couldn’t reproduce me actually jumping on it and the problem occurring on cam)


In this Image, you can see that my avatar leg is sticking out of the elevated part after I jumped onto it.

This doesn’t really break gameplay but It’s still very annoying if it does occur because if you want to get out of it flings you back in the other way you came from as shown in the first gif.

Is there a way to block this behavior from happening?

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It’s fairly hard to know what’s going on, sometimes the characters legs go through parts because of the collisions on the player themselves but I haven’t experienced anything like this before, maybe there are scripts in the game that cause this?

It really happens on any regular old roblox game which hasnt altered the player’s avatar

Okay, I was referring to it killing you, the part behaviour is normal in roblox games, as I said previously because of the collision of the character.

sorry for not clearing this up in the main body of the thread but the part where I am going through with my avatar’s body does not kill me but the white neon block in front of me does which is documented behaviour and perfectly normal.

Is it possible to alter the collision of a character so the behaviour does not occur?

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Does this occur for you on all angled parts, or only ones that have another brick directly in front of you on the slope.

Seems to be only happening on angled parts

This likely has to do with the fact that legs, by default, have their CanCollide set to false. You don’t realize this when walking around, but some animations can cause them to go through things. This has been happening for as long as I can remember, it’s not really breaking anything, so I don’t see much harm in it.

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