I’m working on a hatch door. It has a cylinder in every single corner, making the door have smooth edges.
However when I union them, it seems to be there’s a weird light reflection occuring on the bottom left cylinder:
It acts like it’s unique and so not united with the other parts, resulting a conspicuous “reflection”.
I tried changing it’s color and the material, it’s still there no matter what:
Separately from the other ones, some materials aren’t making it obvious so much, but if you look closely you can realize that it’s still there:
I once thought that there’s something wrong with that cylinder, so I deleted it and duplicated the another one that doesn’t have a weird reflection and put it back. But still when I unioned them it was still there.
I tried restarting Studio and even my PC, didn’t work.
Other edges doesn’t have something like this, it’s only the bottom left one.
How do I fix this?
EDIT: I realized it’s only occuring on the front side of the door, it doesn’t have such a problem on it’s back: