Weird Lights Apears After Building Something

Hello. I was trying to make a building like apartment but everytime that i build something, weird lights apear here is a screen shot

i tried to change the technology in the lighting settings but still not only work on the compatibility but i dont like compatibility technology and i tried to search for a solution but the only one i found was to make the wall thick or change the outlines but there is not an option called outlines in the lighting settings what do i do?

This is usually cause by the time of day.

this doesn’t appear when it’s night i think

Is there a way to remove these weird lights while it’s the day?

You could try disabling shadows on the Parts that are affected by selecting them and looking in the Properties window.

Thank you this actully works! now i got a new problem should i make a new topic or not?

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New topic. unless its directly related to this one.