Weird mouse bug in studio

If I press the left mouse button once it keeps being pressed even though I release the button. This only happens in studio and not in testing mode. Parts behave weird as well because I have to be in a certain “section” of a part to hover it / to get the blue outline. I tried resetting my studio settings and restarting it multiple times but nothing helps. You know how you can select multiple parts by pressing and dragging your left mouse button across your screen and then selecting multiple parts at once? However, when i do this and then release my left mouse button the rectangle is still there so it acts like im still holding onto the left mouse button. Sometimes these cubes that you can drag to modify the part position, scale or rotation dont work and I have to move a little to make them work again.

EDIT: I reinstalled roblox studio and still have the same issue.
EDIT 2: I only have this issue in a specific project.
EDIT 3: I have the same issue in THIS specific project on other devices who have roblox studio on it as well. Therefore the issue has nothing to do with the studio settings, my mouse, my pc or windows. I deactivated all plugins as well. I need help so badly


I don’t get what you’re trying to describe in the topic description. Could you perhaps try to record what you’re experiencing?


I edited the text is it more clear now? btw thanks for the reply


Could it be that there could be something blocking the parts? For example, if you place parts in unions and set CollisionFidelity as anything other than PreciseConvexDecomposition, you’ll need to get closer to select parts in the union.

It would be appreciated if you could attach a video of what you’re experiencing too, each video showing the different respective bugs you’re experiencing.

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