Weird Mouse Lines

Is there a way to disable the white lines that appear when I hover over any part? I know that disabling the beta feature would resolve this, but it would also result in the loss of some other features. Is there a specific method to only disable these white lines?

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I don’t think it can be because the white line is part of the feature beta and doesn’t have specific settings for each feature beta, maybe I recommend looking at the roblox studio settings have you?

Yeah, I’ve already checked all settings, but there must be a way because I’ve had the beta features for a while, and these lines only appeared like 2 days ago.

If I may know, what is the beta name of the feature you are talking about, whether it happened after before or after you activated the beta of the feature

The name is Dragger QoL Improvements

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Okay, I found it.

Disabling it will also remove these weird lines.

You can turn the lines off by going to Studio Settings.

Studio Settings > Selection > Dragger Visualization > Show Hover Ruler.

Uncheck it and you’ll get rid of the white lines / white mouse lines.


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