Not exactly sure where to put this question, but I’m assuming it fits in building support.
For some reason players can temporarily walk through walls when they join the game(studio and in game). this lasts for up to around 30 seconds until it stops happening. some walls can be walked through and some can’t, ones that are near the player’s spawn can’t be walked through while the rest can.
I tried messing around with streaming enabled, I haven’t had much promise with that
well there is code for changing collision groups, but that’s only for when ragdolling. the times it takes for the colisions to start working properly isn’t very consistant(can take few seconds or minutes) so i’m not so sure its directly from a script
Can you check (when the player can go through walls) what the cancollide value of the player and that wall is, as well as the collisiongroup, and after the player starts colliding properly, check those values again, to see what’s changing?
I’ve checked already in studio, the buildings and character’s torso’s collisions are enabled while this happens. And the only things that the player can’t walk through are objects that are near where the player spawns so I think it’s something to do with how the game loads
Alright, so if you are sure that your code is properly working, and that collisongroups and cancollide are working as well, you could try copying and pasting everything over to a new “experience”, and see if that resolves it. If not, you could file a bug report.
I’ve actually already done that, I moved the entire game to another experience(excluding the map) and it had the exact same issue. but anyways thanks for trying to help, I will probably just file a bug report
Was there a task.wait(some amount of time) in that script that causes lag in the game when loading? Or maybe it caused your collision group/cancollide issue while it was running.
I know physics seems to be one of the last things to load when testing in Studio. I’ve had swinging doors that were causing me to pull my hair out because the player wasn’t pushing through them no matter how little force I was putting in the doors. It wasn’t until I waited for about 10 seconds after testing started that they worked just fine.
Reread their first post.
The walls were CanCollide false when they began the game and they weren’t supposed to be, but after 30 seconds the walls became CanCollide true.