What does this error mean? I placed the DataStore2 module under ServerStorage.
Is the module named DataStore2?
Yes, I named it to DataStore2.
Try this:
local DS2 = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("DataStore2"))
If that doesn’t work then your studio is probably acting up since I can’t reproduce.
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It worked, also you forgot to add a ) at the end. But, I’m still wondering why does it show that when I do it.
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Objects have to load in and it will normally appear nil when trying to get it as soon as the code is executed. It was probably warning you that you need to wait for the object to actually load in.
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Never mind, I found another solution. It’s just restart the studio. If can, can someone help me explain what does that error mean?
Here is some posts with some answers: