Weird remote event with values in it

I was really concerned about this remote event with a couple values in it in ReplicatedStorage when I was testing my timer script.


Is anyone else getting this? Our team admittedly uses free models sometimes (either for learning or we just don’t know how to make something), so I’m wondering if this is a backdoor and how I could fix it.

you might get more help if its scripting support instead of Creations feedback…

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uh… woops. I thought it was scripting support because of the color.

Just delete it if it looks suspicious and doesn’t hold any use to your game.

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It only goes in replicatedstorage when the game is running. How could I do that? Just do something like this?

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

while wait(10) do
if rs:FindFirstChild("whatever the name was") then
rs["whatever the name was"]:Destroy()
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kinda do this instead:

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

	if rs:FindFirstChild("whatever the name was") then
		rs["whatever the name was"]:Destroy()

it’ll fire every time something is added. while loops arent that efficient

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Okay I edited it:

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

	print("new "..child.ClassName)
	if child:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("StringValue") then
		print(child.Name.. " was considered a backdoor!")

But it doesn’t do anything. It only prints new and the class name.

I meant to look for scripts that create the events and delete them.

I did. I looked for require() and“RemoteEvent”). But I found nothing.

… i have a million things to say… its inserting a REMOTE EVENT!!! NOT string value change this line to this:

	if child:IsA("RemoteEvent") then

IsA checks if it is a certain object, which is a remote event. FindFirstChildWhichIsA finds a CHILD inside of the object. So you doing Child:FindFirstChildWhichIsA() would check inside the newly inserted object and check if it has a certain object. So just change the if statment to what I said above

I tried that. I’m not gonna insert anything new into the game with a script that has a string value :laughing: That’s why I put that there.

well how many times does the thing print?

That RemoteEvent & it’s values are inserted by Kohl’s Admin, they’re normal.


oh yeah it is. Didn’t know that.