Weird Scripts appearing in my game

Hi there. Today I encountered something I was not sure was good or bad for my game. It’s a script that says its the property of ROBLOX. I’m not really sure if this is a virus or it’s just something that ROBLOX does to prevent exploiters.

--This an script of ROBLOX Studio. Do not delete it, this script secures your game from exploiters.


local mymodule2 = require(3667797501)


local mymodule = require(3664252382)

This is the part that the script is inside of.

This is the part that was made fully from scratch.

There are countless topics about this. This is clearly a backdoor as this was not made by “ROBOX Studio”.Take a look at your plugins.


This is most definitely a backdoor.
The asset id leads to this module-- [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

Roblox will NEVER alter your game’s functionality, let alone the module running the code by “ROBLOX Studio” that is obfuscated.

Please delete this code immediately and try to recover all non-infected items.
They like to hide this stuff in things like Motor6Ds.
Look through all the objects using this:

for _, all in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if (all:IsA'Motor6D' or all:IsA'Script') then
warn(all.Name, all.Parent)
-- If the name isn't matched to what you own, go to the search bar on the explorer
-- and search the exact name it wrote to output. Then remove it.
-- If this didn't solve your problem, try going to all of your scripts and look for
-- a bunch of whitespace and after that is usually ANOTHER require. Then, remove that.
-- Another thing you can do is press ctrl+shift+f and search require(
-- This will return EVERY script with the keyword require(.
-- If it isn't something you did, or roblox did, remove it.

Ok I’ll do that. I’ll also ask my developers to look into anything suspicious.

I did what you told me to do. It lead me to my npc. What should i do next?

Did you use the ctrl+shift+f method?

No it warned me the body parts of the npc.

If it’s a motor6d of a RIGGED NPC, it is most likely fine. However, look at the children of the Motor6ds.
If there’s a script or something you didn’t do, remove it.

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I used the ctrl-shift-f method and it led me to my module script which I know I didn’t put a virus into. It also leads me to some scripts that don’t even use require in them.

Then remove the entirety of the script you didn’t do.

I did that. It think it should be good now

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This exact thing is happening to me. How do I get rid of it, I removed it, and made sure there weren’t any other scripts in my game, but they still keep popping up every now and then.