Weird ScrollingFrame behavior

Hey, so I don’t really know if I changed a property, but this is what my scrolling frame is doing:

You’ll notice that even though I sized the ScrollingFrame correctly, the light blue scroll bar doesn’t go all the way down to the bottom right corner of the ScrollingFrame…

Any ideas??


This is actually happening for all scroll frames (for me), even the CoreGUI ones (player list). It seems like you will need to make the scrollframe larger than you think. If objects are cutting through the bottom of your gui you can probably use a script to handle any buggy cases.

But I agree it itself feels like a bug, not sure why it does that at all.

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That’s unfortunate…remind me why I still try developing on this platform?

Appreciate your response.

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Haha the reason we are here is because it’s a low skill floor, with a high skill ceiling.

I just feel like the ladder is cut in between. Sometimes there’s missing detail and quirky things that end up making us question the platform lol. We have to build the elevator ourselves to get to the top, but at least it gets better every month, or tries to get better, anyway.

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If anybody is struggling with this as well, I have a bit of an update for you.

I do recall times when this was a bug, but the instances I remember was that the slider bar was off by just a pixel or two, which makes it look slightly bad when you have a back bar, like in my case. However, in this instance, since it was off by a lot, I figured I had improperly set a property; which was the case. I had XY set for the ScrollingDirection, I set that to Y only and that worked like a charm.

Just thought I’d share if it’s helpful to anyone. :slight_smile:


Hi! This is indeed a bug, sorry for the inconvenience. Setting ScrollingDirection to Y (or X, if your ScrollingFrame scrolls horizontally) will resolve the issue. I’m hoping to ship a fix for this in the next few weeks.