Weird shading issues

I have a roof with custom beams across the whole thing and on top is another 2 layers of regular parts. the triangular beams are unions, and somehow light are passing through even though the roof is covered. I tried un-union them and it still has the same issue.

I tried messing with the EnvironmentDiffusion and EnvironmentSpecular and it is still the same. Do anyone know what is going on?

It only seems to happen when the objects are far away from the camera.

Is castshadow on? (maxcharrrr)

Ohhh wait it might be modelstreaming

Which de-loads things that are farther away for better performance. Just turn that off ig you should be fine.

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Thanks! that worked perfectly after.

just so you know, i wouldent turn it off for every part. that would be super laggy :skull:

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