Greetings, fellow developers. Over the past couple of days I have had several reports from players of strange geometric anomalies appearing all over the game map, seemingly at random. The shapes are usually giant rings or rectangles with holes in. Examples include:

The problem was first reported about 2 days ago with the below video, the title of which accurately describes my state of mind when confronting these visual abberrations. The bug starts happening at 40 seconds in, when the player respawns:
The bug seems to happen completely at random, with no hint of what might be causing it. And naturally, I haven’t been able to replicate it in Studio. I didn’t make any update to the game which would have directly caused this, so I have two theories:
- A Roblox update broke something again
- The game file or one of the in-game assets has become corrupted somehow
Therefore my point in making this post is not necessarily as a bug report, but simply a desperate attempt to gather if anyone else recognises this glitch and, at a stretch, has any idea how to fix it.
If you have any ideas or even just recognise this bug, I would be very grateful if you could reply to this post. Thank you.