Weird sketchy Pop-Up shows when entering game?

Hello developers!
I am working on a game with 3 other people in a teamcreate project. I wanted to test something in my script, so I entered playmode, but instead of seeing the baseplate, I could only see a sketchy UI, representing a kick prompt, which does not look like the standart Roblox’s at all. It told me to enable “Allow HTTP Requests” in the Game Settings, which I didn’t. But after careful consideration, I decided to enable it anyway to see what will happen. The prompt told me to download a model called “RBX Signal Module”. It seemed kinda sketchy (and i don’t like downloading random stuff idk nothing about) so I refused to download.

See the 2 videos for yourself:

Video 1: (Allow HTTP off)

Video 2: (Allow HTTP on)

I have no idea what to do, I can enter play mode on other projects, seems like somebody added a free model with a virus I can’t find…

Any help is appreciated!


Can you give a link to “Ro-Defender”? I’ve never heard of that before.

However you 100% have a virus in your game. Please check all scripts using ctrl+F (ALL SCRIPTS BTW) and search for “require” or “getfenv” which gets scripts that may be bad.

There is also the possibility that one of your team create members has a plugin which is a virus (this can happen) and it can also make development really annoying.

I don’t know if I’m allowed to post other links here but if you search “studio encountered bytecode truncation virus” on google, (DO NOT PRESS THE VIDEO, IT IS FAKE), and click on the reddit link it will explain more that it is a virus somewhere.


Hello, this is a virus, I had the same issue not that long ago.

to fix:

Step 1: Press Ctrl + Shift + F at the same time. (it will allow you to search every single script.)

Step 2: In the textbox type “ModuleScript” or “require”.


Thanks a lot for the help! I’m kinda in a rush now so I’ll check it out later. You can see a slight hint of “qPerfectionWeld” in the output, which caused the same problem for @jamieboy34

Link to Ro-Defender: Ro-Defender

Again, thanks a lot for the help. I deleted the virus, sadly couldn’t access the “ModuleScript”, because its located in “JointService”, which cannot be accessed, as the service is long deprecated. Feel free to link this post if anyone else has the same problem.

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