Weird sound error after new update

Certain sound doesn’t play anymore, even though it did before.

onSoundLoaded cannot find SoundService Sound : rbxassetid://325182533

relevant function (localscript):

function scrolling()
local effect ="Sound",script)
effect.SoundId = "rbxassetid://325182533"
effect.Pitch = math.random(75,85)/100

From my experience it is from the sound being removed before it is finished playing. Doesn’t break anything, but still errors.

These threads were posted in the last 2 days about the same issue (use the search!):

More information on sound updates to be found on this thread:

Here is the relevant staff reply regarding your issue

TLDR; Don’t play the sound and then immediately destroy it afterwards. Instead, set Sound::PlayOnRemove to true, then destroy the sound.


this, if you need that behaviour use PlayOnRemove.

The sound plays now after changing Sound:Play() to Sound.RemoveOnPlay = true, but the error still prints to console.

Got it. The error message will be changed/fixed to better describe the problem in the future.
Also add a wait to stop the error print.

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