Weird Tween Behavior

I tried to make my vent open with Tween Service
But the vent tweening animation didn’t go well.
Video here (streamable)

local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
	local tween = TS:Create(script.Parent,,{Position =, 6.145, 319.795),Orientation =, 180, 180)})

Please help me to figure this out. I’ve tried using CFrame but I don’t actually know how to make it works.

Thanks in advance.

Could you use Motor6d?

{CFrame =, 6.145, 319.795) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-56.25), math.pi, math.pi)

math.pi is roughly equal to 180 degree’s in radians which is what CFrame.Angles uses, so in order to have Degrees work for Radians, we use math.rad to convert degrees into radians.

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I don’t know how do I use it
But thanks, I’ll learn how to use it and use it in my future works if possible!

Thanks for your response.
I tried it but the result isn’t as excepted
Video here

I found out that orientation after tweened is “56.25,-180,-180” not “-56.25, 180, 180”
Even though I scripted math.rad(-56.25), math.rad(180), math.rad(180) So I tried change the script to math.rad(56.25), math.rad(180), math.rad(180) and the orientation somehow be -56.25, 180, 180 as how I always wanted…

Anyways, the weird tween animation behavior still stays. here [Tween Service]
Which is difference from my exception. here [Manually Rotate in Studio]

Please let me know if you have any question.
Thanks and sorry for my bad English!

I tried to create hinge part now the animation works perfectly!
Thanks everyone.

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