Weird water foggy effect on roblox water

I think the issue is that roblox water has fog in it by default for when youre underwater, so if you zoom out a lot you can see fog all around the water. Does anyone know how I can work around this? I was thinking of maybe resizing the water a bit downwards some more submerging it more underground.

I was considering moving to blender water for this, but it seems tedious as roblox has their own built in terrain editor for water.

Just a shot in the dark and not really on-track with what you think this is, but I think this might have to do with Roblox LOD and culling. You notice the same effect with grass decoration (with Terrain.Decoration set to true) as it appears most detailed and ‘correct’ in a circle around the player camera.
Other than tweaking with graphics settings there isn’t much way to fix this that wouldn’t be destructive, since Roblox’s terrain performance is built-in. Moving the sea level away or closer would help, I think

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It could either be something related to that, or perhaps just similar to how foil materials work because I know they demonstrate the same kind of issues.

Regardless though, I did end up getting something I’m okay with so that’s a relief! I ended up playing around with the transparency and the color to get a less visible ugliness to the color.