Weird water mechanics

Recently (I’m unsure the exact time, but 3-1 months ago) characters have been acting weird in water (see video below) flipping around and swimming upside down. I’ve scoured the devforum but no one seems to be complaining about this, so I’m wondering if this is an intended feature and if so, how can I stop this?

This video was shot in a brand new baseplate with no scripts or changes to terrain.
WeirdWaterBehaviour.wmv (2.5 MB)

It even happens when swimming in water in large games like Adopt Me, & Bloxburg.

I am making a game centered around water so this a big issue for me, is there any way I can fix this or should I wait for Roblox to fix it (if it isn’t an intended feature)?
P.S I wasn’t sure where to put this post so if it should be moved please tell me :slight_smile:

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This should be in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support, and it has been posted here.

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I’m not really sure what the problem is, it looks like it’s working just fine.

It might be because of the animation you have on? Then again I’m not much of an expert on R15 animations.

PS, nice avatar.

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Great, thank you. It’s good to know it’s not intended and will be fixed soon!