Welcome, EasyPlugin! v1

Do you often struggle with creating plugins and find it to be a tedious process? Well, look no further than EasyPlugins, because we’ve got you covered!
EasyPlugin makes it Swift and Easy to make a plugin! EasyPlugin can even help you create the Worlds Fastest Made Plugin!

Introducing EasyPlugin
EasyPlugin is a Plugin made by me to speed up the plugin creation process! EasyPlugin Is extremely easy to use too! All you gotta do is fill out the information on characteristics and click a button! It’s absolutely that simple. Not only that it converts it Extremely Fast I mean, Extremely fast. Here’s a video of me showcasing the plugin and its functionality.
EasyPlugin Demonstration - YouTube
This demonstrates the speed and usability. of this plugin! I know what you might be thinking. That UI doesn’t look that good. I know, but it will get better. I plan to keep updating this plugin. Also please keep in mind, this is V1, and its created by one person. You might want to check out this plugin. It’s completely functional and definitely worth your consideration. If you’d like to support me leave the plugin a like or a favorite!

Source Code: GitHub - sharklier/EasyPlugin-SourceCode: SourceCode

I value your opinion on EasyPlugin. Please share your thoughts on what should stay and what needs improvement. I’d also like to hear about your experience using it. Thank you for your input!

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From what I’ve seen this plugin just automates saving a plugin as local and filling out a template?

Below it from the source code you provided, and it seems simple enough. I do wonder why it needs :WaitForChild() for values. It would be much better to have the plugin fill out those fields so the plugin would run faster and use less instances.

local UI = script.Parent:WaitForChild(script.Parent.nam.Value.."UI")
local TB = plugin:CreateToolbar(script.Parent.nam.Value) -- Section Name
local Openbtn = TB:CreateButton("18584", script.Parent.Des.Value, "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..script.Parent.Ico.Value, script.Parent.nam.Value) -- btnID, btnDescription, btnIcon, btnName
local open = false
local widgetInfo = DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo.new(
	Enum.InitialDockState.Float, -- Widget will be initialized in floating panel
	false, -- Widget will be initially enabled
	false, -- Don't override the previous enabled state
	350, -- Default width of the floating window
	350, -- Default height of the floating window
	script.Parent:WaitForChild("WMin").Value, -- Minimum width of the floating window (optional)
	script.Parent:WaitForChild("HMin").Value -- Minimum height of the floating window (optional)
local PluginWidget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("PluginUI",widgetInfo)

-- Style
PluginWidget.Title =	script.Parent.nam.Value
UI.Parent = PluginWidget

	if open == true then
		open = false
		PluginWidget.Enabled = false
		open = true
		PluginWidget.Enabled = true

Yeah, I’m working on that im planning to make it more optimized on the next update. Sorry it’s not in the first update, this is my first plugin and I’m still learning some stuff about the Plugin documentation! Thank you for the advice!

I’ve just opened a PR in the GitHub with some basic yet major refactoring. You should look at it and the feedback I’ve given in the description.

Not bad plugin for a beginner but much to improve.


Not a bad idea, but I just don’t see the purpose of using this when you already are going to have to code the functionality of the plugin, and it doesn’t take much effort to go to the Roblox developer wiki and find the example plugin code if you need to…

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we don’t need it, we can just go to the creator docs and create the plugin as the local plugin, if you are having trouble creating plugins, use VSCode with RSLP for easier coding plugins