Hello everyone
My name is Spideyalvaro999 and I’m here to make your days a bit more fun. I created this game a long time ago and this are the mecanics
It consist of a pizzeria game (FNAF by Scott Cawthon) where you can pass the nights holding the devil animatronics. If you want another experience you can go to the city to relax a bit exploring all the places there. If oyu want another experience apart from the city and the pizzeria, you can go to the game expansions. At the moment we have we have three expansions(Racing expansion, Snowboard expansion and adenture expansion).
Things you have to know:
-This game was created by TWO people (isidro1969 and me)
-This game is a BETA
-We acept TIPS
-.If you find any ERROR, please write a comment on this section
Thanks for visiting my game
Hiya, I hope you don’t mind harsh criticism, as I think there is a large room for improvement here.
Firstly, I like the loading screens and the GUI’s, they introduce the game quite well.
There are a few issues that might get you in some sticky situations here, though. The movies displayed outside your Cinema most likely breach the copyright rules, I would recommend changing them to some made up movies.
The game is mostly made up of free models. That isn’t a bad thing if you have only just started developing but if you are wanting to make a popular game I would recommend making everything yourselves. Models can contain viruses that can easily mess up your game.
There isn’t really a story to it. Once I was teleported to the neighborhood I had no idea what to do. yes, there is a NPC but not many people will stop to read through the responses. Possibly change it into a gui that pops up instead.
Good luck on your game!
I think that you are right with the cinema. Most of the models where made by me. The only models I didnt made ehre the houses interior and I will change it. I really apreciate that you spend your time at our game. Thanks
I liked the town you’ve made, though I must say, I think you’ve missed out on a lot of potential by making it look like a five nights at Freddie’s game, when the town itself has much more to offer, lots of intrigue and mystery with the rabbit, the weird conversation at the park etc. I think that if you named the place after the town, you could have that as the star attraction, as “explore a town I’ve made”, (though of course, you’ll want to draw attention to the pizzeria). As it is a big aspect of the game, it might make sense to move the spawn closer to the pizzeria, or move the pizzeria closer to spawn.
The conversations were quite interesting and in depth, though to spice it up a bit, you might want to have a wider range of NPCs, because a lot of them looked very similar. And on the topic of conversations, I did notice there were quite a few typos, but both of these things can be tweaked very easily.
All in all, I think this has great potential and for me, making something at this level would be beyond my wildest dreams! Well done!
Good morning friend
The words you have written have really touched my heart. As much as @goalmwo’s comment like yours have given me very useful tips on how to improve the game. What I wanted from the beginning was to make the pizzeria, but it occurred to me to do something big that no one has ever done before. Many times I have hesitated to change the name of the game because what started as a FNAF map has ended up being something else. Thanks to your advice, I have discovered that it would really be better to change it, so much to the @goalmwo , which has avoided a copyright strike, as well as yours, which has made me rethink ideas I had, what I have to say is THANK YOU,
Yeah I did it on the pizzeria with the other GUI but I forgot to do it here. Thanks for remind it
Ok. Your game isn’t a different kind… it’s a fnaf game that doesn’t really make sense. The GUI is pretty weird looking, the teleports are slow (and there are 3…) the chat dialogue has holes in it. The only thing I liked about your game was the town because of the vibe it gave me, like a friendly little town. The building is not great though, the cinema and houses look really strange. So I actually got to the pizzeria and (chica?) spawned in front of me and killed me instantly. The popup screen was just boring but the sound was EARPIERCING. my roblox volume was on 1 and it was so loud (but I am using speakers) the flashing in the game is unpleasant (when you enter the pizzeria) when you get teleported into the actual pizzeria, the audio is hilarious but also terrible. The guy vocalizing is what I mean. There are a whole lot of free models and a lot of the models that aren’t are colliding. I don’t know why the timer goes up, when it’s probably better going down. I’m not even sure why there was a timer. I hope this helps.
I understand your frustation but the GUIs are weird because we are not experts, Im changing the free models into models made by me, I will change the houses and
the cinema if they look strange, chica killed you because if you touch an animatronic it kill you and jumpscare you(thats why the sound is earpiercing). If you didn’t like the pizzeria,
there are other game expansions, such as the snowboard expansion(Thats why I did other games)
There are two things I don’t understand:
The holes on the dialogs and the teleports are slow
Thanks for the comment
The dialogue had no real story to it, it was a random person standing in the road with misspelling. And I understand how and why the chica killed me, but I feel like you could make it better instead of them teleporting in front of me and killing me instantly (try to make it like the original) the teleports being slow is pretty self explanatory, when you click or stand on a teleport prompt it takes anywhere between 15-30sec for me
Yeah the people told me that the persons arround there tells no story, and thats something I have to fix, beause it will be kind of interesting to do so. About the animatronics, they have positions(like on the game) thats why you have to stay at the office(like in the game) because is safeter
About the teleport, I have to investigate how to make it faster
I will consider you request while remaking the game, so Thanks
By the way, I change the game’s name not to be a typical FNAF game
Hi @Luxorz
You told me yesterday that my GUIs where “pretty weir looking”. Can you tell me wich GUIs are “pretty weird looking” for you?
The purple loading screen. Loading screens should be appealing to the eye, but this one was not. Purple is a rare color for loading screens and the loading bar itself was again, purple. It just felt like it was thrown together and could’ve been made better. hope this helped
Yeah what you told me its true. Maybe a classic color is better
This game looks like it is mostly made out of free models and doesn’t look too good, the buildings could use some work and what is the point of the town? I don’t see any point of it, unless you are planning on adding things to it. The FNAF pizzeria is cool looking though. Its a good start.
Yeah there is only buildings. Most of the models in here are made by me. The only thing that isn’t made by me are the cars and i’m planning to change them. Im planning to add more and more things dont worry about that.