Welcome to McMonald's!

McMonald’s, a globally recognised and Roblox’s biggest fast-food restaurant with its iconic Golden Arches, is dedicated to providing our customers with a warm and convenient dining experience. Our goal is to create a friendly environment for our members along with simulating a realistic roleplay experience.

Code of Conduct
  • Clothings worn inside our experience must be appropriate. All those who break this rule will immediately be asked to change their clothing by our staff members or by our management team to change their clothing to something appropriate. Refusing to follow this rule will result in consequences such as a blacklist or a ban.
  • Trolling throughout McDonald’s is not allowed. Seeking any type of trolling here at McDonad’s will result in an automatic kick. Continuing to troll will result in a ban from all of our experiences.
  • Please be respectful to all members of the McDonald’s community. We expect you to be respectful and kind as being inappropriate may make someone uncomfortable around you. We want a positive server with a good community.
  • While working here at McDonald’s, you must show an act of professionalism. This can relate to proper grammar, proper English, situation handling, attitude, etc. Many different topics can relate to professionalism. Each one of them are important while you’re working in the restaurant and attending training sessions.
  • Although grammar is not required, it’s recommended to use it if you’re seeking a chance to be promoted to a Management Position.
Affiliate Information

We always look forward to forming new partnerships with different groups on the Roblox platform, and we greatly appreciate your interest in forming an alliance with McDonald’s. In order to become a partner with our group, you must first ensure that your group meets a set criteria. This criteria can be found further into this section. If your group meets the list of requirements, you may move on to the application process. This application will consist of a series of questions about your group and our potential partnership, that you will be expected to answer. It is recommended that you write a minimum of three sentences for each question, and we would greatly appreciate it if you would be able to provide us with as much detail as possible.

From here, our Relations Department will review your group and the application you have submitted. You will receive an update in your ticket from one of our Public Relations Department regarding the final results to your application and whether or not we will be able to successfully form an alliance together.

In order to move on to the application process, your group must meet all of the below criteria. Please note that exceptions can and will be made at times. If your group does not meet a particular requirement, please inform a member of our Relations Department so that they can see if an exception is able to be made.

Group must have a minimum of 95 non-botted members
Discord server must have a minimum of 45 non-botted members
Must hold a good reputation in the Roblox Hospitality/Roleplay Industry, and should not have any negative history/negative records
Group and discord server must be active on a daily basis, with professional staff members
Must be willing to actively host alliance events/visits with our group
Must remain communicative with our PR team, and be willing to announce things to do with our group on your server
Must be a group in the Roblox Hospitality/Roleplay Industry
Presidential or Public Relations member must not be banned from your group.
Department Information

McDonald’s has 3 departments in total and they are the line managers of McMonald’s. They have certain duties to fulfil which are assigned by their Department Lead.

Human Resources Department
Human Resources Department
The Human Resources Department leads the overall team of McDonald’s from Low Rank to High Rank, they are in charge of ensuring they are following the regulations. The Human Resources Department handles sessions, staff reports, rank issues and staff-related matters.

Lead(s): N/A
Co-Lead(s): N/A

Public Relations Department
The Public Relations Department manages community related matters, and alliances of McDonald’s. The Department deals with alliance reports, alliance suggestions, as well as alliance tickets. They host community events as well, if you have a suggestion DM our support bot and request for Public Relations.

Lead(s): Moka
Co-Lead(s): N/A

Moderation Department
The Moderation Department are like the Police of McMonald’s, they are in charge of ensuring the game and discord server is safe and welcoming for all community members. They enforce general guidelines, handle player reports and moderates rule breakers.

Lead(s): N/A
Co-Lead(s): N/A