Weld C0 Trouble

Hi, I am trying to make a Holster System which uses Weld and C0.Position and C0.Orientation.
Each tool that I want to be able to holster has a ModuleScript which works as a Config File, here is all the information needed for the Weld C0

In a Server Script is all the stuff needed to Holster the gun here is what I am doing.

Edit- I alsto tried with CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ but I get the same result

As of now I have two weapons with different Config Values, but for some reason only one is working while the other not. This are images from the In-Game welds

Working Weapon : Configuration
self.HolsterPosition = {1.1, -1.3, 0}
self.HolsterOrientation = {15, 0, 0}

Not Working: Configuration
self.HolsterPosition = {0, -0.5, -0.9}
self.HolsterOrientation = {-50, 85, 0}

I am not much into CFrames or Welds, I found this Holster Script in the Forum but I forgot where, any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance