hello. So when I clone my mesh, there should be another part inside of it that is welded to the mesh and should look exactly as is before cloned. But my experience suggests otherwise.
When I clone my mesh, the mesh is completely fine, but the part inside the mesh is in the most random position ever possible to mankind.
I tried to anchor both of them, did not work. I tried to not anchor them, did not work. I tried to anchor just the mesh, it does not want to anchor. I tried to just anchor the part, did not work.
Code to clone:
local vf = script.Parent.Values
local rounds = vf.Round
local body = script.Parent.BODY
if value >= 1 then
local clone = script.Parent.CommonEChii:Clone()
local clone2 = script.Parent.CommonEChii:Clone()
clone.Parent = script.Parent
clone2.Parent = script.Parent
clone.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(40,130),6.645,math.random(-257,-170))
clone2.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(40,130),6.645,math.random(-257,-170))
clone.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(clone.Position,body.Position)
clone2.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(clone2.Position,body.Position)
if value >= 20 then
--summon 4 echiis
if value >= 35 then
--summon 7 echiis
if value >= 50 then
--summon 10 echiis