Weld Constraint problem

Weld Constraint problem
The problem is that the structure of my model that contains Weld Constraints attached to the PrimaryPart is totally destroyed. I originally cloned with Clone() my model with the Weld Constraints but realized the problem, so I decided to create them from an Instance.new but the problem continued.
Attached images of the problem

Current Client


Here can join the game trial to see what happens:

I need the Weld Constraints to use the TweenService to move my model.

Can someone tell me what’s going on or how can I fix it, thanks

Have you tried using remote events to Fire from the server to all clients?

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Yes, I already tried, but it’s still the same

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Yeah I thought so since the server side was nice. Have you checked the workspace of the client side and server side when they are running? Maybe there is a difference between those two welds?

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Yes, both are active

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Can you maybe send me a picture of both constraints from server and client’s properties?

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I see they are welded to a primary part? May I take a look at that primary part?

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The part is in the middle and anchored

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I’m sorry for too many questions, but are you using the tween service to sink the ship? If so, can I see the script that’s running it? I remember trying this and when I tweened my primary part, it didn’t work as it made my door open weirdly

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while wait() do
if script.Parent.Parent == workspace then
	local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
	local Ship = script.Parent
	local ShipRoot = Ship.PrimaryPart
	local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(
	local goals = {
		CFrame = ShipRoot.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-90)) * CFrame.new(150,0,0)
	local tween = TweenService:Create(ShipRoot,tweenInfo,goals)
	local tweenInfo2 = TweenInfo.new(
	local goals2 = {
		CFrame = ShipRoot.CFrame * CFrame.new(75,0,0)
	local tween2 = TweenService:Create(ShipRoot,tweenInfo2,goals2)


I clone the ship in another script

I see you are using the CFrame as your goal. Maybe instead of using a CFrame, try using Vector3.new for your postion and angle?

local goals = {
goals.Position = Vector3.new(newPosition)
goals.Orientation = Vector3.new(0,0,-90)

Maybe changing that can make an effect? I don’t really think so but the welds can be the problem themselves

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It does not work the output says:

Workspace.CargoShip.Script: 20: Expected a name, got a complex expression

I was watching, I think that when cloning the boat the WeldConstraints get locked or not cloned at the same time and since the parts of the model are not anchored, they fall slightly and then the WeldConstraint grab the parts; I tried doing an Instance.new with the WeldsConstraints but it still doesn’t work.

Ok now that makes sense, I feel that the welds do get messed up somehow cause you do have the whole ship unachored which makes everything fall if welds aren’t loaded correctly. The welds seem to replicate good on the server, but not on the client . Maybe when a plyaee touches the ship, it collapses?

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And sorry the goals variable I think I did it wrong.

Try local goal = {}
goal.Position = Vector3.new(‘YourNewPosition’)
goal.Orientation = Vector3.new(0,0,-90)

I don’t know if this would work, but ig try it. Replace the ‘YourNewPosition’, with exact coordinates on where you want it to end. Idk if it would work

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Although it does not touch the ship, it is destroyed

It still does not work, I think CFrame should be used since a model has no position or orientation, so the PrimaryPart should be taken, which moves with CFrame

So whenever the ship gets cloned it just automatically collapses then.

Can you not make the primary part the same size as the ship as everything is maybe getting dragged towards the center making stuff collpase?

Yeah stay with the CFrame then since it works best for you!

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The same thing is still happening

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