Weld Is not working

I want achive the one part be moving with another part but I welded it but is not moving
What I want achive

What hapenning

Thank for any help


Make sure you have this “Constraints” option selected when moving welded parts, otherwise the welds will break.

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Still nothing
(30 charsssssssss)

Can you show the properties of the weld? Make sure Part0 and Part1 are assigned to the two parts you want to weld together.

Also: You’ll want to use a WeldConstraint and not a Weld, since a Weld will automatically set both objects to the same CFrame but WeldConstraint will preserve the offset.


Like I said before, you need to check the image box to drag them together.

Still nothing sir
(30 charrrs)

Are the parts anchored?

Only union is anchored nothing more

None of the welded parts can be anchored, because the constraints system takes anchoring into account.

Ok now is working weld but bad look

Like I said before:

That’s do not make a sense.

(30 charss)

Make sure the WeldConstraint has its Part0 and Part1 properties set, and make sure you have the “Constraints” option enabled on the topbar.

OMG nothing helps okay
(30 charrs)

Here’s a complete guide:

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Nope it isn’t working

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Oh, I see–you have a really high step increment. Go to the Model tab and change the “Rotate” option under Snap To Grid to something more like 15 degrees instead of 90.
