Weld issue on Moon Animator

Hello all,
I am having an issue with Moon Animator Welds. I am working with a tool in which a welded part will move separately from the main Handle. However, when attempting to move this part, the entire rig moves along with it.

Video Example:

A fix I tried was to remove the WeldConstraint between the Handle and the Part, and it worked; somewhat. The part would not move with the tool while the arm was being manipulated.

The most desirable outcome would to be able to move the Handle, with the Part connected to it, as intended, and be able to move the connected Part itself only when necessary, without it moving the entire rig.

Thank you!

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That part is likely anchored, which is problem with animations (plugins).

no unfortunately, I have just checked if this is the issue. Do you have other suggestions?

thats… what welds do… If you wanna move a part and have it still be connected use a joint