Hi, there are many welds named “Snap” which I want to remove but there are so many of them it would take like 10 years to do by hand. So im creating a script for it and it is not working. Can someone help? Here is my current code:
for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if v.Name == "Snap" and v:IsA("Weld") and v.Parent ~= workspace["JToH Kit v5.4"] and v.Parent ~= workspace["JToH Kit 5.4 (Modified)"] then
for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if string.match(v.Name, "Snap") or string.match(v.ClassName, "Weld") or v.Parent ~= workspace["JToH Kit v5.4"] or v.Parent ~= workspace["JToH Kit 5.4 (Modified)"] then
Still does not work. Try testing it and renaming your welds in workspace to something else like “Foo” and if it still works try putting it into folders. Cause thats what my workspace looks like.