Weld RightGrip will not replicate in the near future

Weld RightGrip will not replicate in the near future

  • What is causing this?
  • How do I get rid of it?

This is causing a lot of difficulties for debugging my game and finding actual Errors that are game breaking.

(The game doesn’t have any custom tool-weld script)


Are you accidentally replicating the RightGrip weld? Maybe check your variables.


No, nothing in game interacts with the Tool’s Grip.

The tool is only parented to Backpacks and that’s it, with an additional Script and LocalScript listening to Activated.

Again nothing interacts with the Tool’s Grip, the code is only about 50 lines long.

The warning is Server Side.


Are there any Welds in your game?
Perhaps you will have to go through them and recreate them to remove this warning.


We have WeldConstraints, does that count?

I don’t understand what is causing the problem

It doesn’t appear in Studio, only in game.


I wouldn’t worry about it too much - it is annoying, but I doubt it’ll cause issues w/ your game.


When Roblox spans error messages in the console, it causes major framerates drops.

I’m not sure why Roblox cant make it so it says the error once and never repeats it. :man_shrugging:


I agree… I ran into a lot of trouble with people reporting fps lag in my game when it turned out to be warning spam from an unbound remote being fired. Honestly don’t know why this warning
even exists.

Sound script also has this problem, so I’ve opted to disable it until Roblox fixes it or disables remote event exhausted errors.