Weld Script Issue

Hey guys, I am currently having an issue with my weld script, which moves objects from one point to another. I need the script to ignore the weld that I currently have within the set pieces to make them move with the turntable. How can I fix this? (I don’t know much about scripting so if you could modify my script for me that would be fantastic).

Weld script:

local exclude = {"Wheel"} 

function WeldPair(x, y)
    local weld = Instance.new("Motor6D",x) 
    weld.Part0 = x
    weld.Part1 = y
    weld.C1 = y.CFrame:toObjectSpace(x.CFrame);

function WeldAll(model, main) 
    for i,v in pairs(exclude) do if (model.Name == v) then return end end
    if model:IsA("BasePart") then WeldPair(main, model) end
    for _,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do WeldAll(v, main) end    

function UnanchorAll(model) 
    if (model:IsA("BasePart")) then model.Anchored = false end
    for _,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do UnanchorAll(v) end

WeldAll(script.Parent, script.Parent.Main)

for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
    if v.Name ~= "Main" and v:IsA("BasePart") then
        v.Anchored = false



Thank you for your help!