Welded armor tool to a player, destroys itself after a few seconds after being equiped

Hello forum,
I have a tool called Armor1 containing armor parts which I named after each body part

I use a localscript and a .Equiped event to weld each armor part to each body part of a player

if tool:GetAttribute("Type") == "Armor" then
	for i,v in ipairs(tool:GetChildren()) do
		local bodyPart = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(v.Name)

		if bodyPart then
			local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint", bodyPart)

			weld.Part0 = bodyPart
			weld.Part1 = v
			v.Position = bodyPart.Position
			v.Orientation = bodyPart.Orientation

Which works just fine, player has now equipped an armor and can walk and jump in it, but after a few seconds the armor suddenly disapears and the tools no longer is in player object in workspace. Also the armor doesn’t replicate to the server. What could be the cause?

Exactly this happened

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