Welded Parts not showing in Viewport Frame

local object = Items.Capsule:Clone()
object.Parent = itemDisplay

object:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(0, 0, 0))

object.PrimaryPart.Orientation = Vector3.new(10, 90, 0)

The script above is intended to clone the part below and display them both in the viewport frame.


However only the part (Capsule) is actually moved. The other part doesnt move even though they are welded together which is unusual.

Capsule is anchored
Base is unanchored

Would appreciate a solution as its quite weird…


Weld constraints and welds are different but provide the same function. In my words, using weld would automatically change part1’s CFrame into part0’s CFrame. Weld Constraint on the other hand would weld the part but won’t change the position so you have to set its position manually. I can’t think of a better way to explain it.

Try using welds instead of weld constraints or just create a model then setting the primary part to any of the parts you have then changing the models primarypart position.


I’ll try using Welds as using Models was quite uncooperative.

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Sorry, I’m really trying to work on my grammar

Dont worry. But the welds thing didnt work

This image shows me toggling the base part whilst the anim is playing

this image shows me toggling the capsule part

Despite using welds it still wont work…

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Im really confused on the image provided. Are you trying to make an opening egg system? Could you provide a video?

I cannot record a video right now but its basically an Egg system. The capsule rotates a few times then shrinks. the tween works fine its just getting the 2 parts on the screen as 1 doesnt move…

How about this? I guess the issue is the capsule and base not positioning with one another. By change the position of the primary part, any instances in the egg will come with

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Little hard to see but now the base moves. However when i tween the top part, the bottom part doesnt follow (i tween it side by side)

local rotationTween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, { CFrame = part.CFrame * targetOrientation1 })

“part” is the primary part (the capsule)

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I don’t think thats supposed to happen. I went into studio and tried tweening a models primary part and everything moved well. Maybe something wrong in your code or model?

Could it be something to do with tweening models inside of viewport frames?

You could make a whole post about this bug, I really don’t have any clue on why this is happening but I hope someone finds a solution to it. Anyways, I wish you a great day!

yo may i know why a weld is required?

essentially theres 2 parts and if theres no weld they dont stick together. if i want to tween 1 part i want the others to be connected

hmm why not try remove the welds? I assume that the model will be parented under a viewport frame thus, why not just teleport the entire model instead. Make sure that the model have a primary part . welding might have caused the parts to be unable to tween

found the issue. when i do the tween outside of a viewport it works and the parts stick together. only in a viewport so im experimenting with WorldModels. do you have any suggestions?

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