Welded parts wont move with main union

Hey so i have this issue where when i try to clone a pickaxe from replicated storage to the player torso and weld it to him, Only the main part is there as usually but the extra welded parts to it are not. They are on the basic position in studio edit mode. Any idea how to fix this?
highly compressed ahh video how it looks with only main part.

The missing parts:

The script

function character.WeldPickaxe(plr, pickaxe)
	local pickaxe = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Pickaxes"):FindFirstChild(pickaxe).Model:Clone()
	local char = plr.Character
	local weldtool = script.Weld:Clone()
	weldtool.Parent = plr.Character.Torso
	weldtool.Part.Body.Part0 =  weldtool.Part 
	weldtool.Part.CFrame = char.Torso.CFrame
	weldtool.Part.Body.Part1= char.Torso
	pickaxe.Parent = weldtool.Part
	pickaxe.CFrame = weldtool.Pickaxe.CFrame
	weldtool.Part.Tool.Part0 = pickaxe
	weldtool.Part.Tool.Part1 = weldtool.Part
	pickaxe.Orientation += Vector3.new(0,0,40)

and the build in replicated storage: every weld is same main part.

Try using welds and not weld constraints, weld constraints doesn’t always stick to the part


For some reason it moves it but doesnt go with the rotation that the script sets later…

Then you should use the PivotTo function to move it then weld it

Im pretty much unsure about how to use PivotTo

PivotTo just takes a cframe (it can be used for models and parts)