Hey so i have this issue where when i try to clone a pickaxe from replicated storage to the player torso and weld it to him, Only the main part is there as usually but the extra welded parts to it are not. They are on the basic position in studio edit mode. Any idea how to fix this?
highly compressed ahh video how it looks with only main part.
The missing parts:
The script
function character.WeldPickaxe(plr, pickaxe)
local pickaxe = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Pickaxes"):FindFirstChild(pickaxe).Model:Clone()
local char = plr.Character
local weldtool = script.Weld:Clone()
weldtool.Parent = plr.Character.Torso
weldtool.Part.Body.Part0 = weldtool.Part
weldtool.Part.CFrame = char.Torso.CFrame
weldtool.Part.Body.Part1= char.Torso
pickaxe.Parent = weldtool.Part
pickaxe.CFrame = weldtool.Pickaxe.CFrame
weldtool.Part.Tool.Part0 = pickaxe
weldtool.Part.Tool.Part1 = weldtool.Part
pickaxe.Orientation += Vector3.new(0,0,40)
and the build in replicated storage: every weld is same main part.