Welding a Tool to a Player when the player spawns

So, I’m trying to weld a tool to the player when the Character loads in.
At the start, I have a GUI where you can pick your Spawn Location after the Character loaded in, I want to have a tool welded to my hand, not in the Backpack, so it stays in my hand.

How can I do that via code?

So basically what you will need to do is put the tool into the character. Once that happens then when the player joins the game the character will force the player to have the tool equipped. It would look something like this:

        plr.Backpack.Tool.Parent = char

Right now what the script is doing is it is getting the player when they are added to the game. And the character from the player when they join the game. Then it is getting the tool from the players backpack and making it go into the character. If you want to get it from serverstorage then you would have to clone it from server storage into the players backpack. But if the player already has it in their backpack then this will work.

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I tried it, the spawned Player auto-equipped the tool, I wanted the tool to be welded to the hand, so that the tool isn’t in the Backpack, so the Player can’t unequip it.

This devforum post my help then. Disabling unequipping or keys to unequip?