Welding Bug & Problem

When you try and weld a gun to a character model… the gun always moves in position… making it impossible for me to create a pose for my character holding a gun in the dedicated pose position.

The video shows me creating a weld using Part0 as the RightHand and Part1 as the Gun Handle.

I was told that using weld constraints in the character is not a viable option as it disables the ability for the character to move.

So I did as I was told and the end result as shown in the video is that I cannot put a character into the desired pose with a weapon in his hand.

This is not exclusive to gun models.

It is a problem that could occur in any weaponry that uses multiple mesh part pieces.

Visual Aid: https://youtu.be/a58Bum1mRtE – This youtube link provides 2 high quality videos with audio merged into one explaining the problem to Roblox engineers

Expected behavior

If everything was working correctly, then the gun would easily weld to the character in the desired pose and he would be able to move around like normally without any problems while holding the gun in its hand as well as being in any desired pose that I choose for the character to be in.

Repro Files

Repro Bug.rbxm (31.0 KB)

Cratus The Warlord Guardian.rbxm (31.1 KB)

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I came up with an alternate solution that works. Roblox still has a lot of work to do with resolving the issues with those repro files but for now you guys can follow my solution if you encounter the same problems. Thank you everyone for all of your support! :slightly_smiling_face:

When you try and weld a gun to a character model… the gun always moves in position

Yes, this is expected. The Weld class physically moves the parts it connects based on its C0 and C1 properties. WeldConstraints are probably work easier in the way you tried to set this up at the beginning of the video.

I was told that using weld constraints in the character is not a viable option as it disables the ability for the character to move.

WeldConstraints should work. Here’s an example.

In the Repro Bug.rbxl, the character is in a broken state because all the parts are over-constrained. Each part has its usual joints plus a Motor6D to the LeftFoot.

This isn’t really a valid character construction, so I don’t know if there’s any bug here.

Using a Tool with Handle is the standard way to hold a gun. Indeed this could be easier to set up… We will work on that. In the meantime I’d recommend finding tutorials on YouTube.

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btw this is the plugin I’m using to view the constraints:

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This explains almost everything except I do have one last question especially since you said how it could afford to be easier.

What is the easiest way of putting a character into certain poses like you saw in the last video I sent where he’s properly holding the tool in the pose I put him?

I found it interesting that you didn’t seize the opportunity in the video you sent me to actually show the character welding the gun into the pose that I made so that he’s actually holding it up with his hands.

It would be nice to see that because currently my way of doing it isn’t exactly the easiest. It basically takes it from him holding it in the default position and from there I had to manually move it into that position myself.

I agree.

I ended up finishing the second animation with him.

I figured out that you can actually modify the weld while animating him so it has a lot of freedom as to what you can do with it.

It would have been nice to get a response about the best way of doing this but I suspect it’s because that’s just it there really doesn’t seem like an easy way to do this at the moment it is like everything has to be welded by eyesight almost like it’s a job in itself like how welding is in real life.

I hope you guys are able to come up with a great solution.

The reality is so many people will avoid developing because of things like this.

I personally find these things interesting and I’ve been developing for 3 years now and I can definitely say that not everyone who is intelligent has the same interest as me!

Things like this only exacerbate that because this isn’t exactly a simple thing to learn how to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand everything :slightly_smiling_face: