Hello all, hope you’re having a good day. I’m working on a custom weapons system, and am trying to get a sword model to weld correctly to a character’s right arm (there is an attachment called SwordEquip in the right arm to give the correct positioning).
However, I’ve run into an issue: the sword just doesn’t position itself correctly. I’ve looked on the forums for a while, and even asked ChatGPT, but nothing seems to work correctly.
I did find a solution, which had me creating a part attached to the correct position on the character’s arms and then manualwelding the weapon handle to the part, so that the animations still work but that the weapon is attached. I was just wondering if there was a more “elegant” solution?
Well, that’s not what I’m looking for. The weapon is instantiated before animation, so I can’t just use moon animator’s easy weld. I need to fabricate a Motor6D so the weapon can be attached to the player upon creation, and this needs to happen automatically.