Welding giant box

I’m making a boss arena with a rotating box (The box is 6 different parts with decals inside.) and I’m trying to weld it to a giant part so when I tween the giant part all of the 6 parts move with it. I’ve done this before, but this time it’s not working.

Any ideas on how I could fix this?

Are the outer Parts Anchored? Welds don’t move Anchored Parts.


It could either be what @Scottifly said or perhaps you are not tweening the CFrame (tweening orientation/position will not move welded parts along)

Sete the cframe of all the faces to be a offset of the look/up/down vectors. Another way which I used for my game was to use spherical interpolation with quaternions but that seems a bit over kill for you (I was using a sphere not a cube)

No, the center part is anchored.

The code and / or explorer will help a lot.