Welding in a tool

Im trying to make a ban hammer. When i hold the tool everything is ok, but when i weld a part to the handle(the part that will kick someone when touched), it breaks, can anyone help me?
No part
With part
Also when i anchor my upper torso it works.


I think it’s because of the part’s mass. Ty setting the part’s Massless property to true.

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To avoid getting stuck all over the place (in case you decide to pull the ban on somebody inside a house), you can Weld the part you want to the tool , set the property CanCollide to False, Transparency to 0 so it cant be seen and then inside that part you can insert a script which will kick the player touched.
Like that the tool will work normally. Also as the reply above me said, make the part Massless so it wont crush you.

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