Welding parts to hand in R6

So I’m trying to make hit detection for my fist-fighting game by placing parts at the end of the arm with wleds. My issue is that whenever I move the parts for some reason are in the wrong position and they follow a wierd pattern

Basically when you move but click while stopped it is behind the hand and when you click while you’re moving they go to opposite position (I think). I have searched for a solution on the devforum and google but couldn’t find anything that works.

My code:

local function createhit(hand : string)
	local Dhitpart = Instance.new("Part")
	Dhitpart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Tr. Red")
	Dhitpart.Size = Vector3.new(char[hand].Size.X, 0.2, char[hand].Size.Z)
	Dhitpart.Transparency = 0.2
	Dhitpart.CanCollide = false
	Dhitpart.Massless = true

	local Lhitpart = Instance.new("Part")
	Lhitpart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lime green")
	Lhitpart.Size = Vector3.new(Dhitpart.Size.X/2, 0.2, Dhitpart.Size.Z/2)
	Lhitpart.Transparency = 0.2
	Lhitpart.CanCollide = false
	Lhitpart.Massless = true

	local Dweld = Instance.new("Weld")
	Dweld.C0 = CFrame.new(Dhitpart.CFrame.LookVector * 0.1)
	Dweld.C1 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-Lhitpart.Size.X + Lhitpart.Size.X, Lhitpart.Size.Y/2, -Lhitpart.Size.Z + Lhitpart.Size.Z))
	Dweld.Part0 = Dhitpart
	Dweld.Part1 = Lhitpart
	Dweld.Parent = Dhitpart

	local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
	weld.C0 = CFrame.new(char[hand].CFrame.LookVector * char[hand].Size.Y/2)
	weld.C1 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-Dhitpart.Size.X + Dhitpart.Size.X, Dhitpart.Size.Y + Dhitpart.Size.Y/2 + 0.7, -Dhitpart.Size.Z))
	weld.Part0 = char[hand]
	weld.Part1 = Dhitpart
	weld.Parent = char

	Dhitpart.Parent = char
	Lhitpart.Parent = Dhitpart
	debris:AddItem(Dhitpart, 5)
	debris:AddItem(weld, 5)

I’ll try to fix the video snapping

I tried changing it to weld constraints but fail I also tried change it’s position after I weld it following another post I found and that didn’t work. Should I just manually change the of the parts every frame?

Fixed it I didn’t know Attachments had CFrames so uhhh:

local function createhit(hand : string)
	local Dhitpart = Instance.new("Part")
	Dhitpart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Tr. Red")
	Dhitpart.Size = Vector3.new(char[hand].Size.X, 0.2, char[hand].Size.Z)
	Dhitpart.Transparency = 0.2
	Dhitpart.CanCollide = false
	Dhitpart.Massless = true

	local Lhitpart = Instance.new("Part")
	Lhitpart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lime green")
	Lhitpart.Size = Vector3.new(Dhitpart.Size.X/2, 0.2, Dhitpart.Size.Z/2)
	Lhitpart.Transparency = 0.4
	Lhitpart.CanCollide = false
	Lhitpart.Massless = true
	local Dweld = Instance.new("Weld")
	Dweld.C0 = CFrame.new(Dhitpart.CFrame.LookVector * 0.1)
	Dweld.C1 = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-Lhitpart.Size.X + Lhitpart.Size.X, Lhitpart.Size.Y/2, -Lhitpart.Size.Z + Lhitpart.Size.Z))
	Dweld.Part0 = Dhitpart
	Dweld.Part1 = Lhitpart
	Dweld.Parent = Dhitpart

	local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
	if hand == "Right Arm" then
		weld.C0 = char[hand].RightGripAttachment.CFrame
		weld.C0 = char[hand].LeftGripAttachment.CFrame
	weld.Part0 = char[hand]
	weld.Part1 = Dhitpart
	weld.Parent = char

	Dhitpart.Parent = char
	Lhitpart.Parent = Dhitpart
	debris:AddItem(Dhitpart, 3)
	debris:AddItem(weld, 3)
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