Hi so I have this stand it has a proximity prompt and I want it to put armour on them (R6). There is more info below and then some of what me and my friends have tried.
We have tried multiple variations of this script as well as weld and WeldConstraint.
Our current script is:
local Server = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local ProxPrompt = script.Parent
local armor = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("ChestplateWEAR"):clone()
local limb = player.Character.Torso
local att = Instance.new("Attachment")
local att2 = Instance.new("Attachment")
--got the attachments--
local weld1 = Instance.new("Motor6D")
armor.Parent = workspace
weld1.Name = "Armor"
weld1.Parent = limb
att.Name "Weld"
att.Parent = limb
att2.Parent = armor.Torso
att2.Name = "Weld"
--assigned welds--
weld1.Part0 = limb.Weld
weld1.Part1 = armor.Torso.Weld
weld1.Enabled = true
This is what happens:
(Cancolide problem is fixed it is not being welded is the problem)
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Any help is very much apricated!