Welding vest issue

Basically I’m attempting to weld a vest to the players torso. The weld works however the characters stuck in the floor and unable to move here’s my script.

    local heavyvest = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").VestStoreRemotes["Heavy Vest"]:Clone()
    local character = Player.Character
    if Player.HiddenStats.WalletCash.Value > 500 or Player.HiddenStats.WalletCash.Value == 500 then
        Player.HiddenStats.WalletCash.Value -= 500 
        heavyvest.Parent = character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
        local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
        weld.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
        weld.Part0 = character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
        weld.Part1 = heavyvest.Chest.Middle
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Is the vest anchored?

When I un anchor it all falls apart

What if you weld the parts of the vest together?
I recommend plugins like autorig that can keep the position when welding.

do you have a link to autorig by any chance

Make sure it’s massless, not anchored, and cancollide is false. Every part of the vest. Also, not sure if it will help, but try setting Part0 to the vest part, and Part1 to the Torso. Then, parent the weld to the vest part as well.

It probably falls apart because you have a bunch of parts in the vest not welded together. Make sure that’s fixed up first.

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you can make that like when player joins it will set to the players torso position and makes weld

I like to use this one: Constraint Editor - Roblox

If you want to install the autorig, search autorig lite in plugins

here is the script from my other game and put it into starter character scripts

local partstring = script.Parent.Value.Value

local part = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild(partstring)
local thispart = script.Parent

if part ~= nil then

thispart.Position = part.Position
thispart.Orientation = part.Orientation
thispart.WeldConstraint.Part1 = part


and image

this script was from my game where i tryed to make old roblox trip or fall or what you want to call it

or you can just simply can make union from it