Welding/scaling parts onto scaled custom characters

OK so in this wolf game

This is the original wolf with hair weld.

Now; I’m achieving something like this

But the game has dynamic wolf scaling so when I scale it to like 50% and apply the weld

This happens. The part is too big, the weld is too far away from where it’s supposed to be.

How would I scale down it to fit the wolf?

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I would think that all you have to do is divide the part’s size to make it the correct scale, and CFrame it to the new proper position based on the size of the wolf’s head.

local newScale=0.8 --reduced to 80% size
part.Size=part.Size*newScale --rescale the part
part.CFrame=wolf.Head+Vector3.new(0,wolf.Head.Size/2,0) --the part's position based
--                                                      on the size of the wolf's head

Something like that, I guess.

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