Welds randomly showing up in parts?

For some reason when I insert a part:

So, this a bug or glitch? It’s very annoying. :sweat_smile:
I’ve been deleting them then they show up again. :expressionless:

What category should this go in? :thinking:


I actually don’t know what a weld is. Why is this happening?

Don’t mind it, it has no effect on anything.

Edit: Well I wouldn’t say anything but it’s probably something you don’t need to be worried about.

Okay. But is there a reason on why this happening?

I think so, should I set it to “Never?”

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I think that happens when you are building and you have “Join Surfaces” enabled. Once you disable it, the welds should not be created anymore (correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this could be the issue).
Screenshot 2021-03-03 165322

If you’re looking to get rid of all the welds, this script should get rid of every weld in workspace, just run it in the Command Bar.

for _, weld in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants()) do
	if weld:IsA("Weld") then

oh and also I think this would probably be best to go under #help-and-feedback:building-support


Thanks, @thebillymanjoe It worked! :laughing: