Welds to the player are glitchy depending on the size of the part?

Alright so basically I have a system where a module script creates a part and whatevers inside that part gets damaged
and it works perfectly! except for certain sizes it just? breaks? Like Im just welding a part to the player and offsetting it with C1 with cancollide and anchored off but for some reason itll just teleport the player to the center? Any other way I could make a hitbox infront of the player/way to fix this? thanks!

(Glitched size)
(Normal size)

(Module script that creates and welds the part btw I create the box in a script and then call the module script)

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Is the Hitbox Massless property set to true?
Any mass added to a player does weird things to the player’s physics.


Not sure if this will make much difference but you could try parenting the weld last.

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OH WOW thank you!! this worked perfectly omg idk why roblox physics are so weird but… whatever! The more you know ig

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